Policies & Key Information

Please click here for policies and procedures that relate to examinations.

St Clere's policy and key information documents listed below:

SCS Admissions Policy 2024-25 Click Here

SCS Admissions Policy 2025-26 Click Here

Click Here for Osborne Cooperative Academy Trust Policies

Acceptable Personal use of Resources and Assets Click Here

Admissions (2024-25) Click Here

Biometrics Policy Click Here

Charging and Remissions Click Here

Complaints Policy Click Here

Data Handling Security / Data Breach Policy Click Here

Data Protection Policy Click Here

Educational Visits Click Here

Environmental Sustainability Policy Click Here

Equality and Diversity Click Here

Exclusion and Suspension Click Here

Freedom of Information Policy Click Here

Harmful Sexual Behaviour/Child on Child Abuse Click Here

IG Strategy Click Here

Parent Code of Conduct Click Here

Positive Relationships & Behaviour Policy Click Here

Records Management Policy Click Here

Recruitment Click Here

Safeguarding Statement Click Here

Statement of Expectations for Positive Behaviour Click Here

Statement of Intent for Safeguarding Click Here

Statutory Request Policy Click Here

Whistleblowing Click here



Page Downloads  
Accessibility Plan Download
Special Educational Needs Support Offere... Download
Relationships, Sex Education and Health... Download
Collective Worship Policy Download
Numeracy Policy Download
Assessing, Recording, Reporting and Feed... Download
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities... Download
Medical Emergency Response Policy Download
Literacy Policy Download
Social Media Policy for Students Download
Student Internet Safety and Acceptable U... Download
Curriculum Policy Download
Health and Safety Policy (SCS) Download
Keeping Children Safe in Education Download
Attendance Policy Download
British Values Statement Download
Review of Results for Assessments - ROR'... Download
Educational Visits and Journeys Policy Download
Safeguarding Policy Download
Safeguarding Policy RAAC addendum Sep 20... Download
Pupil Premium Policy Download
Careers Education, Information, Advice a... Download
Drug Ed and Incident Management Policy Download
Home Learning Policy Download
Monitoring & Evaluation Policy Download
More Able and Talented Policy Download
Risk Assessment Policy Download
Teaching & Learning In the Classroom Pol... Download
Covid 19 St Cleres School Risk Assessmen... Download
Security Policies and Procedures Policy Download
Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural P... Download
Special Considerations Policy Download
BTEC Distance and Blended Learning Polic... Download
Evacuation and Lockdown Procedure Policy Download
First Aid Policy Download
Remote Learning Policy Download
Eduational Visits Model Standard Procedu... Download
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy Download
Intimate Care Policy Download
Harmful Sexual Behaviour Child on Child... Download
Provider Access Policy Download
Environmental Audit Policy Download
School Meal Debt Recovery Policy Download
OCAT Health & Safety Policy Download
Behaviour Policy - Interim Policy Download
Careers Policy Download